Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Choice has been a profound word for quite a long time. Barriers of time, location and all its cousin parameters have been linked to this word. What exactly does one choose given an option and when not given one. Some of us choose one; some of us look for options and choose what was acceptable. Others walk a different path.. with and intent to return with a better option for thyself and for others who reach the same cross roads.
Man has always been with man [women included]. We get along with anyone as long as ideas, beliefs and path don’t come into conflict. Race, caste, creed, nationality, language are all barriers when convenient, that man created for need of self preservation in form and identity. These barriers have now become so much a part of social identity that one fails to look beyond and into the core. Diversity has perhaps helped man to survive through the ages but it should come to a point that one does not understand the basic common element as a species. Groups are made as form of management and organization of political and emotional feelings and they are not the differential elements of life.
Here again i ask... who am i? who are you? ...


phillips said...

Dude, you inspire me..
Take Care!!

phillips said...

Hey Bro, i am seriously inspired..i am a great fan of your writings (especially the metaphors) waiting for your next post.. take care and chill out!!