Tuesday, December 12, 2006

de return

walked a route hard
dropped everything close and moved
to claim the world
attained in clasp evrything
perhaps more than he could hope
refined from his old crudeness
now desired by many
yet somewhre deep within
there lay a rogue
a rogue that captured his soul
no refinement could brush this away
tread back he did much later
only to realise
throwing a gem he had left
only to attain
mere stones and words.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog man. what dimension language is this. Either that or u were on dope. Just kidding. Oh yeah.... let me intro myself... I am the person who tried bringing the Colonial brothers concept in Nitte. Ajith P Thomas being my side kick.... always tried ..... booooo'ed off stage most of the times.We also had a time of a life in Nitte. Anyways i tried contacting you a lot of times. No luck. Lets see if this works. Try giving me a buzz when ur on planet earth. My number is 614-352-3107.