Saturday, August 19, 2006

one rain

I donno if anyone has wondered where we all go to. Each day? Each moment? Is it that one compelling dream or desire or is there more to what each of us move toward to? i donno...

During my walk, it rained and i walked on.. at a distance I saw one tree. Sheltering her wings from the rain I saw an angel. Fragile she appeared; not much different from the leaves that moved about in this wind. Yet different. There she stood looking into the distance and smiling. Confounded i was.. there was nothing around and the rain was getting bad and this girl was smiling there. For a moment i felt as if i was smiling.. now thats been a while. I walked toward her and asked her what she was smiling about and she said it was raining because God is happy. Now that really tickled me.
All i could say was " ya". I didnt want to break the bubble. We stood there for a while and chirped like early mornin birds. In a few minutes it felt like we had known for ages. I didnt even realise that I was in the middle of the rains. Blissful and content she was with the simplicities of life. Colourful dreams she had. Too soon as I would say; the rains stopped and she walked toward her home saying a 'bye'.

There I stood drenched.. that being the least of my thoughts. something changed. I cant describe what it was. I was there and yet not there. The atmosphere looked like a dream world; peaceful and beautiful.

Today I am miles away trying to understand still... I am dry yet feel so drenched and wonderful.. I can't seem to find words for this feeling.. Donno if i'll meet the rains again.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

de anomaly

A dark valour he contained
led a wasteful life opposing the drift
for he knew not the after effects
He tried fitting into several forms
yet each form was absurd to himself
By then the damage was done
Rebelled beyond all normality
Spoke without any sensitivity
But a rain drenched him
a rain of love
Quenched and stood beside
Unable to balance this
He took his life
all she wanted was his side
yet he moved on... ununderstood
He was nothin at all except for her
just an anomaly... just an anomaly.