Monday, May 29, 2006


Is it possible to float on clouds without loosing urself to life? i dont knw. but i knw that it is possible to find happiness in small things... a little time. Mumbai is holds a great meaning to to many like any other place . Y? :) its has brought meaning to me... to my destiny.

How is it possible to say nothin and yet convey everything... Odd! but true.. a new meaning to old terms that i never clearly understood til today..

' So near yet so far... so far yet so near...'

Thursday, May 25, 2006

oru kaat veeshiyapol

ariyaathe.. veruthe oru swapnathilek ..
korchu orumagulamaayi korrchu dooram
oru kaat vishiyapol ...


Funny it is how we all want to keep doing something for ages and it jus remains.. until a time comes whre it seem to serve no purpose at all. This is a blog mainly involves the story of myself .. or does it? hmm.. i donno.. perhaps this may as well be the life of just any individual anywhre in the world or elsewhre. or probably it may conatin nothing more than a few scriblings that encroach me.